Archive | Security

Security Concerns with Google Analytics: Q&A with the Gurus

We recently received the following question from a reader: I recently joined the Advancement/University Marketing team as the person to lead the way regarding the web. I am being tasked with improving college & department websites, and I am taking it upon myself to also enter the realm of social media, and trying to get [...]

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Facebook Privacy and Admissions Counselors: Know Your Settings

At this point, you’re probably aware of the frenzy over Facebook’s complicated privacy settings. Major news outlets are covering it, a Quit Facebook Day campaign started, and new Facebook apps are emerging that promise to secure your privacy again.

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Security in October: Google Wave, Facebook, XSS

Further support of what I mentioned in my presentation In my Cross-site scripting presentation at #heweb09, I mentioned that a North Carolina State University report from Septembershowed that users clicked the “ok” button on message alerts 61% of the time, regardless of whether the message alert was legitimate or not.  From that I [...]

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New Utility Allows You to Control Facebook Accounts Without the Password

FBConTroller v2.0 was released late yesterday.  As the author clearly states, FBController does not, nor can it, hack into a Facebook account.  What it CAN do though is to control a Facebook account (write on one’s own wall, others wall, retrieve profile page, retrieve friends list and even attempts to retrieve inbox and send messages) [...]

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How Serious are XSS Threats for .edu’s?

Well, thanks to the keen eyes of fellow higher ed tweeter @gilzow for spotting the article, plenty of these guys could tell you just how frustrating XSS attacks can be.  There’s simply no avoiding the fact that the more dynamic and complex our higher ed sites get, the more prone we are to these exploits.  [...]

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