Tag Archive | "listening"

Building Your Own Listening Post

The basic concept of the social web and Web 2.0 is one of conversations and user generated content.  Engagement.  Interaction.  My focus today is on the former, with a dab of latter.  Universities are much like other big brands, people talk about us in a lot of places, in a lot of ways, both good [...]

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Everything I Wanted to Learn About My Career I Learned From Twitter

Years ago, when I was bored, I’d get sucked into something like Minesweeper and stay up too late playing the damn thing.  Then I’d have dreams of flags and bombs where if I woke up in the middle of the dream, I’d have that feeling of quitting before I cleared a board.  The same thing [...]

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Can You Hear Me Now?

Today, I have a short thought that should apply to just about any of us in higher ed. It’s about listening.

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Is Your University Using Twitter to Its Fullest Potential?

Last summer I did research for my independent study project in graduate school that resulted in “The Use of Social Media in Higher Education for Marketing and Communication: A Guide for Professionals in Higher Education.” The research was largely done in June and July 2008. During this time, very few universities were actively using Twitter.

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