Archive | knowledge base

Get Web Analytical at Stamats!

Anyone in higher ed dealing with web analytics should be pumped to attend this year’s Stamats Integrated Marketing: Technology Conference. Not only is it in Las Vegas, but Avinash Kaushik is one of the keynote speakers! If you nerd out over this stuff (like me) you’re surely already registered, booked and raring to go. October [...]

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Web Analytics for HelpDesks and Trainers

If some of you have been wondering if I have perhaps dropped off the face of the earth, wonder no more.  Between parenting responsibilities and accepting a new position within the my university, I have had my hands full.  But now that the dust has settled, I am finally able to get back on track [...]

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3 Ways to Build Knowledge Base #FAIL

I’m not sure why you decided to read this.  Nobody sets out to fail, do they?  Maybe you just wanted something to read while you had your lunch today.  Or maybe you suspect I am being facetious.

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Teaching Them to Fish: Strategy for Implementing a Knowledge Base

In a previous post, I talked about how to start getting your internal knowledge into a knowledge base.  But just because you’ve built a knowledge base, doesn’t mean people will begin using it.  You need to ensure that content is maintained and that people know how to use it to find the information they need.

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